We've found over 60 ways that you can help GRRNT help dogs in need in North Texas.
Foster a dog.
Adopt a dog or dogs!
Transport a dog.
Donate money.
When you donate money, see if your company has a 'matching charity fund' - and use it!
Go to the local shelter and see if that dog is really a golden retriever like the shelter says it is or accompany another GRRNT individual to be a second opinion on the dog.
Make a few phone calls.
Volunteer to be a voicemail screener for a month.
Drive a dog to and from vet appointments.
Donate the use of your scanner or digital camera.
Donate the use of a photocopier.
Donate a raffle item for our fundraiser.
Provide a shoulder to cry on when a GRRNT person is overwhelmed.
Pay the boarding fees to board a foster dog for a week or two weeks.
Be a Santi-paws foster to give another foster a break for a few hours or days.
Donate time to take good photos of foster dogs for the website.
Conduct a home visit or accompany another GRRNT person on a home visit.
Go with the GRRNT person to the vet to help if there is more than one dog.
Have a yard sale and donate the money to GRRNT.
Use your technical skills and help with the web development and/or maintenance of our website.
Use your technical skills and help with the database development and/or maintenance of database.
Talk to all your friends about adopting and fostering rescue dogs.
Donate vet services by donating a spay or neuter, some vaccinations, or some other treatments.
Interview vets to encourage them to offer discounts to our rescue.
Help with fundraising events.
Microchip a rescued dog.
Loan your carpet steam cleaner to someone who has fostered a dog that was sick or marked in the house.
Use your video camera to film a foster dog in action.
Help socialize a foster dog in need.
Help a foster parent clean up the yard. (Yes, we also have to scoop what those foster dogs poop.)
Offer to test the foster dog with cats.
Pay for the dog to be groomed or take the dog to a *Do It Yourself* Grooming Place.
Bring an overworked foster parent 'take out' food, so they don't have to cook dinner.
Pay a house-cleaning service to do the spring cleaning for someone who fosters dogs all the time.
Lend your artistic talents to our fundraising ideas, t-shirt designs, web designs, etc.
Donate printer paper, envelopes and stamps to our organization.
Accompany a GRRNT representative to the vet if a foster dog needs to be euthanized.
Go to local shelters and meet with shelter staff about how to identify our breed or provide photos and the golden retriever breed information showing the different types that may come in and the different color combinations.
Go to local businesses and solicit donations for our fundraising event.
Help pet owners be better pet owners by being available to answer training questions.
Loan a crate if a foster parent needs one.
Provide post-adoption follow up or support.
Donate a coupon for a free car wash and inside cleaning of a vehicle to a well deserving volunteer.
Pay for an ad in your local/metropolitan paper to help GRRNT and our mission.
Microchip your own pups if you are a Golden Retriever breeder, and register the chips, so if your dogs ever come to GRRNT, you can be contacted to take responsibility for your pup.
Donate a small percentage of the sale of each golden retriever pup to GRRNT if you are a golden retriever breeder.
Make financial arrangements in your will to cover the cost of caring for your dogs after you are gone - so GRRNT won't have to.
Make a bequest in your will to Golden Retriever Rescue of North Texas.
Donate your professional services as an accountant or lawyer.
Donate other services if you run your own business.
Donate the use of a vehicle if you own a car dealership to be used at special events or as a raffle prize (i.e. loaner car for a year).
Loan your cell phone (and cover costs for any calls) to someone driving a long distance to rescue a dog.
Do something not listed above to help GRRNT.
Be a volunteer for our annual GRRNT dog picnic or other events that will reunite our GRRNT rescued dogs that have been adopted.
Donate materials for a quarantine area at a foster's home.
Donate sheets of linoleum or other flooring material to put under crates to protect the foster's floor.
Donate an engraving tool to make ID tags for each of our rescued dogs.
Remember that rescuing a dog involves the effort and time of many people and make yourself available on an emergency basis to do "whatever" is needed.