Time is running out to order your BBQ! The deadline is midnight Wednesday night. Click here to go to our picnic page in the store.
Picnic Time: 12 PM - 4 PM
Schedule of Activities:
12 PM - 2:30 Race for the Gold -See how fast your canine can run down an obstacle course with some distractions. Top three fastest times will in a final race.
1:00 PM Costume Contest - Dress up your canine in its favorite holiday costume (Thanksgiving or Christmas). Prize will be awarded for the most creative.
1:30 PM Senior Strut - Calling all of our Senior Goldens (8 yrs or older) to come strut your stuff! Show off how sprite you are even as a "golden oldie"
2:00 PM Musical Squares - Always a fun activity. Walk your dog from square to square. When the music stops, your dog must be seated on a square or you're eliminated. Squares are removed after each stop of the music. Last dog sitting, gets a prize.
2:30 PM Race for the Gold Finals
All Day Bobbing for tennis balls
GRRNT Market Place - There will be lots of items to buy for your canine. Christmas is coming so a great time to buy something to put under the tree.